Limitations of E-billing


As with any new system, e-billing and its implementation can present some limitations.

The majority the limitations of e-billing will be down to teething problems and will be smoothed out over time. However before embarking on a move from postal to electronic billing it is important for you to consider the following points.


Moving from a traditional system to an electronic billing system is a big change for both your company employees and your clients alike. It is important to train a good selection of employees to use and maintain the e-billing system. These employees will be integral to your electronic billing as they will be able to spend time helping other company members to get used to the system. It is instinctive for human beings to fear change, so a period of adjustment should be expected.

From the perspective of your customers the move to electronic billing may be less alarming. This is predominantly due to its optional nature. For those choosing electronic billing there may be a few initial hurdles, rather than limitations of e-billing. It would however, be convenient for you to encourage your customers to receive their bills electronically. Information sheets to convince customers to move to e-billing could be included with their postal invoice.

Customers without Internet Access

It would be naïve to assume that all of your client base will be able to benefit from an e-billing system. Especially for larger companies, a full move to e-billing may not be completely appropriate. A well implemented electronic billing system will encompass clients who desire not to receive their invoices and statements electronically as well as those who do. This can be carried out by using databases and running two billing systems for customers receiving bills by post or by e-billing. It is important not to overly encourage people to enter into e-billing, especially elder clients who may not understand technology and the concept of electronic billing.

Information Privacy – imagined limitations of e-billing

The nature of statements and invoices is that they contain personal and sensitive information. For many of your customers the thought of receiving such information via electronic billing will not be pleasing. We know that a statement sent via e-mail or fax is far less likely than a letter to fall into the wrong hands; however, to some people being able to receive, view and store their bank statement makes them feel secure. The increased safety of an e-bill should be stressed to customers; along with details of how to ensure the security of information once in their e-mail inbox. For example, deleting electronic billing messages once they have been read or printed, and having a non-guessable password for an e-mail account.