The Risk Of Avoiding Software In Dso Risk Management


When it comes to order to cash software, failing to invest in the right technology can lead to considerable risks for finance departments. With the advancements in automation technology and the corresponding emphasis on digital transformation in the corporate sector, the need for companies to upgrade their legacy systems and practices has never been greater. The necessity of order to cash software lies in the fact that it provides companies with the capacity to mitigate host of risks associated with the accounts receivable process.

As far as the dreaded days sales outstanding (DSO) metric is concerned, lackluster order to cash system can lead to lag times in payment which reflect negatively on an organizations financial operations. Unpaid invoices feed into the longer tail of account receivable which in turn creates substantial delay in cash flow. These lagging cash flows are extremely detrimental to the bottom line of any business and can be the death knell for finance department, particularly in the event of downturn.

Not only does bad order to cash system create delayed invoices, it can also lead to inaccurate ones. Manual errors are the bane of any finance manager’s existence. No matter how adept the team may be, certain tasks can be extremely difficult to carry out without automation. By retaining manual system for order to cash management, companies are taking desperate gamble with the integrity of their invoices. These minor errors can lead to serious discrepancies that can take months to solve.

One of the most dangerous aspects of operating an antiquated order to cash system is the risk of noncompliance. In order to comply with multiple country-specific and industry-specific regulations, companies need the right tools and technology to enable the right processes. Else, these organizations could find themselves facing steep fines, in addition to consequentially running afoul of the law. good order to cash system can minimize these risks of noncompliance by automating crucial parts of the process and providing for sturdier checks and balances.

Finally, the need for order to cash software is also dictated by the necessity of secure communication. In the field of finance, data security is paramount given the sensitivity of the information being transferred. By utilizing dedicated order to cash process, companies can ensure secure transmission of information and protect themselves from cyber attacks and data theft. This is essential when conducting dealings with stakeholders and partners to ensure the protection of company assets.

In order to succeed in the ever-changing landscape of contemporary finance, companies must be willing to invest in the right software tools. Adopting an order to cash system can provide multitude of benefits to organizations of all sizes, including risk mitigation, improved cash flow, accuracy, compliance, and secure communication. Upgrading systems to an automated order to cash process can be daunting proposition for finance managers, but the stakes are rarely higher. Failing to invest in the right technology may ultimately prove to be grave mistake.