Transforming Order To Cash Efficiency With Accounts Receivable Automation


Industry leaders are constantly looking for ways to streamline and improve their order to cash offering with innovative technologies. One such technology is accounts receivable communication automation, or ARCA, which provides organizations with an efficient way to handle customer interactions. ARCA provides comprehensive suite of automated tools that can be used to manage accounts receivable processes, such as invoicing, payment, and dispute management. This article will provide comprehensive guide to using ARCA so that executives in the finance department can realize the full potential of this cutting-edge technology.

Step 1: Choose an Accounts Receivable Automation Solution

The first step in leveraging the power of ARCA is to select an appropriate solution. There are wide variety of ARCA vendors that offer varying levels of capability and functionality. Careful consideration should be given to the particular requirements of the organization and the resources available for implementation and support. Important factors to consider include the ease of integration with existing software, the ability to customize functions, scalability, and support services. It is also important to pay special attention to any specific certifications held by the vendor, as these can be helpful in validating the quality of their product.

Step 2: Educate Yourself and Your Team

Once the solution has been chosen, it is important to ensure that both the team responsible for implementation and those that will ultimately be using it understand the nuances of the product. The vendor should provide detailed documentation that describes the features of the system in easy-to-understand language. Additionally, the vendor may offer training and support services that can help streamline the onboarding process.

Step 3: Perform Integration and Setup

Integration and setup involves configuring the system to work with your organizations existing accounts receivable infrastructure. This includes connecting to the customer master file, set up of payment integration, and other system-level tasks. During the setup process, it is important to remain vigilant to ensure all necessary features are installed and functioning correctly.

Step 4: Implement Tax and Regulatory Compliance

Tax and regulatory requirements often differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and must be accounted for when configuring the ARCA system. Various reports, documentation, and forms must be generated in order to remain compliant, and the system must be configured to generate these documents whenever necessary.

Step 5: Develop Appropriate Policies and Procedures

At the heart of ARCA is the ability to automate customer transactions. While this drastically reduces the time and effort required for processing, it is important to ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are in place to handle sensitive information and any potential customer disputes. This includes taking inventory of the various terms, payment options, and data retention policies to ensure secure and compliant operations.

Step 6: Monitor and Fine-Tune

The key to unlocking the power of ARCA is ongoing monitoring. Regularly review performance data to ensure the system is being utilized as intended and operation of the ARCA system is harmonious with established policies and procedures. As issues arise and customer feedback is gathered, any necessary adjustments can then be implemented to help ensure the system is delivering maximum value for the organization.


Accounts receivable communication automation provides comprehensive suite of automated tools that can drastically improve the order to cash offering of any organization. With careful planning and the right solution, executives in the finance department can realize the full potential of this cutting-edge technology and help their organization remain competitive. This guide provides comprehensive overview of the steps required so that organizations can capitalize on the advantages of implementing ARCA.