Optimizing Your Eproc Solution – A Step-By-Step Guide


Executive Stakeholders in the financial arena are often tasked with the challenging burden of seeking the optimal Source-to-Pay (S2P) solution, in order to render the most efficacious procurement process. Achieving this aims requires careful consideration and commitment of resources; however, the potential increase in operational excellence and expense savings that such Software as Service (SaaS) solutions provide, far outweigh the cost. In this article, we discuss how to select, employ and ultimately optimize Software as Service EProc solution for the most serendipitous outcome.

To begin, researching and assessing the capabilities of prospective EProc solutions is the first step in the process. The ideal S2P solution should encompass wide range of processes and integrate them into unified system. Typified capabilities include punch-out catalogs, order management systems, Vendor Management systems and spend analysis tools. Additionally, solution must be configurable to align with your organizations unique roadmap and provide user-friendly interface. In-depth evaluation of the prospective solution’s feature list and the organizations individual needs should be outlined and quantified in terms of time and cost.

Once solution is selected, its successful implementation is essential to achieving the desired results. Though dependent on the specific solution, some basic execution tips include beginning with pilot process, setting realistic timeline, and creating test-environment. Additionally, ensuring that members from simple departments are utilized in the implementation process, is essential to guarantee that suitable outcome is obtained.

Proper ongoing maintenance of an EProc solution is key for the ultimate success of an implementation. At minimum, periodic review and maintenance of the solution’s data and calendarizing user training are both critical elements. When necessary, updates to connect additional procurement processes or modules should also be executed.

Finally, to guarantee that specific requirements within your organization are fulfilled, customizations can also be run. Whether they are minor edits to existing configurations, or the integration of additional systems, modifications should be executed in cost-efficient manner, and should rely on knowledgeable professionals proficient in the software language of the solution. However, in some cases, executing customizations in-house may be prohibitively expensive and consulting an experienced third party is advised.

Summarily, selecting, implementing and optimizing an effective EProc solution is delicate and crucial process. Consequently, parameters such as value for price, user convenience, capability and scalability must be carefully weighed and considered, for this will either assure successful implementation, or conversely, lead to unnecessary expenditure and decreased productivity.