Risk Of Relying On Manual Sourcing In Source-To-Pay Software



In an effort to streamline procurement processes, many organizations are turning to source-to-pay software to simplify the purchasing and payment processes of goods and services. When manual sourcing process is used instead of software-based system, there are higher levels of risk to the organization. it is essential to the efficient implementation of source-to-pay software that these associated risks be assessed and adequately managed.

Cost Overruns

Relying on manual sourcing can often lead to cost overruns in organizations. Without the ability to automate the process, the staff may be prone to ordering supplies that are more expensive than necessary, wasting the businesses resources. Additionally, if staff make errors with pricing, quantity and other vital details, this can further inflate costs. On the other hand, if they are able to reduce the cost of supplies, there is no guarantee that they will be able to track their savings.

Inefficient Use of Resources

Manual sourcing can also lead to an inefficient use of resources. When sourcing is happening through manual processes, it is oftentimes labor-intensive and can siphon resources away from other more important projects. Without source-to-pay software in place, obligations may not receive the attention they need, inevitably leading to delays in procurement or an overall slowdown in operations.

Vendor Compliance Issues

Manual sourcing can also put the organization at risk of possible vendor compliance issues. If the organization is unable to hold vendors to the agreed upon terms and conditions, it can lead to problems with delivery or servicesreceived. Additionally, procurement staff may unwittingly use vendors or providers that have contractual, financial, or legal issues beyond safety requirements, leading to potentially costly and embarrassing situations.

Insufficient Controls

Without an automated sourcing system in place, it can be difficult to ensure that proper procurement controls are in place. Additionally, manual sourcing can lead to inefficient communication with vendors, which can create delays in delivery and payment.It can also lead to an inaccurate digital footprint of something that should be an efficient and accurate process.

In conclusion, the risk of relying on manual sourcing in source-to-pay software program can be substantial. To mitigate these risks, organizations should look to implement reliable electronic sourcing system to ensure that their process is efficient and cost-effective. By investing in source-to-pay software, organizations can minimize the risk of costly errors, inefficient use of resources, vendor compliance issues, and insufficient controls.