Uncovering Benefits Of Procure To Pay Conference 2019



In busy and complex business environment, executive looking for best-in-class source-to-pay solutions can benefit from attending the Procure to Pay Conference 2019. This major event taking place later this year provides attendees with the opportunity to gain insights from vendors and industry leaders on the topics of procurement and finance technology, as well as making meaningful connections with industry professionals.

The procurement process from sourcing to purchasing, payment and everything in between can be difficult challenge. By utilizing the expertise, experiences, and software available at the Procure to Pay Conference 2019, executives can learn strategies and best practice methods to make the process easier. Here is an outline of steps businesseshould take to get the most out of the event.

One: Establish Goals

Prior to attending the Procure to Pay Conference 2019, executives should assess their companies current process and establish goals they would like to achieve. This could range from reduction in operational costs to improving the buyer?s journey. As goal-oriented event, attending the conference with clear objectives enables those attending to make the most of the network of industry experts and the technology available.

Two: Research Technology

Executives should research the technologies and services available at the event and align these with their companies business objectives. By understanding how these technologies can benefit their company, executives can then decide which services and vendors to prioritize at the conference.

Three: Utilize Resources

The Procure to Pay Conference 2019 allows executives to build relationships within the sector, learn and network on larger scale. In order to be able to make the most of this, they should utilize the resources available to them; if they are not able to attend the entire event, there should research and prepare in advance, and have clear plan of what they want to take away from the event.

Four: Network

At the event, executives should take the opportunity to network with relevant vendors and other industry professionals. Networking allows the executive to gain greater understanding of source-to-pay solutions and to gain advice from an informed point of view.

Five: Secure Follow-up

At the conference, executives should ensure to secure follow up with the relevant vendors they networked with, as this will your company to further expand connections and further understand the solution and processes discussed.

By following these steps, executives have the potential to unlock the potential of the Procure to Pay Conference 2019, and use the conversations and connections made to improve their companies source-to-pay process. The range of vendors and expertise in attendance provides the necessary insight to help the executive make effective decisions on technology, process and service schemes that can optimize their companies? current and future procure-to-pay process.