Unlock Value Through Spendmatters Solutions Map


The spendmatters Solution Map is powerful tool for Finance Executives searching for source-to-pay software solutions. It acts as gateway to growing repository of best-in-class S2P providers and gives potential buyers the ability to make informed decisions on the offerings that best suit their needs.

By offering comprehensive overview of the leading S2P solutions, the Solution Map provides an invaluable resource for making cost-saving procurement decisions and improving operational performance. Utilizing the Solution Map, users can efficiently evaluate provider solutions side-by-side, enabling the most cost-effective decision making in the shortest amount of time.

Particularly welcome for Finance Executives is the ability to appraise solutions through an independent lens. By offering an impartial look at the tech stack, capabilities and competitive advantages of different software offerings, users are better equipped to rationalize the acquisitions process from not just financial but an operational perspective too.

The Solution Map is disposed to grant comprehensive view of the capabilities available. Allowing buyers the ability to hone in on specific features and considerations, the Map facilitates segregation of the offerings, enabling more informed decisions on the right system for their organisation.

Data regarding each provider?s products and offerings has been obtained directly from the provider, independently reviewed and apprised by the SpendMatters team. This constitutes an impartial, reliable source of reference.

Providing suite of insight, the Map can assist in defining provider?s status in the market landscape, relating feedback from real users and offering in-depth case studies and ROI analysis. The Map also provides the end-user holistic view of the solution from the vendor. Actions such as view demos and contact providers can be undertaken quickly and easily.

Within the Solution Map, spending and savings are tracked in visually- intuitive manner for each of the providers. Custom categories can be created and ‘quick-toggles’ used to navigate filters, leveraging the ability of the Map to easily break-down the data into more digestible information.

For Finance Leaders, the spendmatters Solution Map offers an unparalleled ability to establish the best source-to-pay software for their organisation. Digitally powered decision making has never been so easy.