What the podcast covers:

 “Technology alone is not going to solve your business problems.” With that line, Joe Payne and Anthony Mignogna launch into an insightful conversation with Kelly Barner about technology expectations (and over-expectations) versus reality, and how managed services is very often a much better option. 

 This episode, How managed services optimizes P2P, explores the downside of trying to “optimize through technology,” including the need for constant monitoring, learning, adjusting, and repeating post-deployment. It’s about knowing what to change that will make the biggest impact on achieving the desired outcomes. To that end, managed services are solely focused on achieving outcomes from the very start. That begins by identifying the most critical processes for optimization — such as straight-thru processing — and focusing on streamlining and automating those. Managed services experts work as an extension of your own team, handling the day-to-day tasks that will free up in-house professionals for more strategic work. 

 The discussion covers: 

 What P2P activities are best suited for managed services 

  • How managed services enables teams to focus on strategic initiatives 
  • Ways that managed services provides scalability and best practices 
  • What to look for in an ideal managed services provider 
Anthony Mignogna
Joseph Payne