Corcentric blog

Thought leadership, opinion pieces, analyses, and research about the latest source-to-pay, order-to-cash, and fleet industry business challenges, and how we’re working to solve them.

The State of ePayables Chapter 3: How to become an AP (Best-In) Class act

The journey to Best-in-Class accounts payable starts with a single step: reviewing your own performance ? both current and historical.

How to become a high-performance Procurement organization

Procurement must move up the maturity curve to become a stronger business partner, both internally and externally.

Size matters: Why large companies outpace in payments digitization

For big company CFOs, the digitization of B2B payments is about a commitment to a much broader digital transformation of business processes as a whole.

The State of ePayables – Chapter 2: Achieving AP Mastery

The second chapter of this report addresses the priorities, challenges, and opportunities that exist for AP teams and the AP process today and how to move forward.

8 steps to optimize your procurement processes

If your organization is still using legacy manual and paper-based processes, your ability to streamline, increase efficiency, and reduce costs will be unnecessarily hampered.

The State of ePayables Chapter 1: The Rise (and Rise) of Accounts Payable

In this Chapter One review of The State of ePayables 2022: Mastering a Key Function at a Critical Time, we look at Ardent Partners? assessment of Accounts Payable through the lens of a SWOT analysis.

Digitize to Optimize – Part 3: A three part look at B2B payments digitization – relationship management

In part 3 of this series, we'll look at how companies that have more fully adopted payments digitization are reaping the relationship management benefits.

Digitize to Optimize – Part 2: A three part look at B2B payments digitization – risk & fraud protection

In part 2 of this series, you'll see how embracing the payments digitization effort also aids in risk management and fraud prevention.

Improving Your Spend Management Strategy

Effective spend management will leverage real-time analytics and insights to drive better decisions, create value, and cut costs.

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