Corcentric blog

Thought leadership, opinion pieces, analyses, and research about the latest source-to-pay, order-to-cash, and fleet industry business challenges, and how we’re working to solve them.

How accounts payable managers can stay one step ahead of growth

Technology plays an instrumental role in preparing AP to stay ahead of the challenges of rapid growth. Find out if your Accounts Payable team is prepared.

Electronic Invoicing: Every Invoice Sent is an Invoice Received

Globally, there is an accelerating shift towards the digitization of invoicing processes. This shift is being driven by both sides of the invoicing process.

Accounts Payable Automation: Making Exceptions the Exception

Handling invoice exceptions can take up to 24% of a processor?s day, creating a considerable burden on the accounts payable department. An automated payables solution can reduce this problem significantly.

Procure-to-Pay 101: Defining Transaction Efficiency

Everyone talks about Procure-to-Pay, but what does it really mean. Find out in our recent blog

Limitations of E-billing

As with any new system, e-billing and its implementation can present some limitations.

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