Corcentric blog

Thought leadership, opinion pieces, analyses, and research about the latest source-to-pay, order-to-cash, and fleet industry business challenges, and how we’re working to solve them.

Getting the Best Stamp Discount for Business Post

Mailing houses all offer stamp discounting for business post. This presents a day one savings when switching. Read on to find out how you can save even more.

E-invoicing in Ireland and the Evolution of the Postal Service

Consider how businesses leverage e-Invoicing to cope with disruptions in postal flow, particularly the impact on business-critical document deliveries.

Enhancing Customer Experience through e-Invoicing

As the average adult spends more time in front of screen each day than they spend asleep, we are becoming connoisseurs of the digital experience.

3 New Legislative Requirements Credit and Collection Firms Should Prepare for in 2017

2017 is set to be a challenging year for credit and collection firms with some major new legislative requirements to prepare for.

What are Digital Signatures

As businesses evolve from using paper documents, to electronic documents, the traditional notion of a signed document is changing.

Business Challenges of Outsourcing E-Invoicing by Gavin Jones

We live in a connected, digital age. So why is it that so many businesses still resort to mass printing their invoices and sending them out in the post?

The Future of e-Invoicing

The future of e-invoicing, or electronic invoicing, is very bright indeed. Growing at almost 20% year-on-year globally, e-invoicing is unlocking competitive advantage for those who embrace it now, and looks set to offer even more value as it matures over the coming years.

ROI from e-Invoicing or e-Billing

Return on Investment or ROI from e-invoicing or e-billing is an important consideration in any deployment. The benefits stretch far beyond ROI.

How to raise awareness of Credit Management by Philip King

The Credit Manager is the individual tasked with putting credit policies and practices in place and ensuring they are effectively implemented.

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