Corcentric blog

Thought leadership, opinion pieces, analyses, and research about the latest source-to-pay, order-to-cash, and fleet industry business challenges, and how we’re working to solve them.

Business outcomes, not business overheads

It is the focus on outcomes, rather than overheads and ownership, that is driving high-level change in the business strategy of many companies today.

Avoiding tech that requires a job req

Corcentric believes that having the personnel on-site that is comfortable with the technology is the only way to stay ahead.

Why are CFOs talking about managed services again?

Find out exactly what's driving this resurgence of interest in managed services, and how they apply to the finance function.

Reducing technology friction across the Source-to-Pay and Order-to-Cash continuum

The source-to-settle continuum includes some of the most complex general and administrative (G&A) processes within any business.

CFO challenge focus: Supply chain volatility

CFOs look for ways to mitigate risk and limit the impact of supply chain volatility throughout the business.

How Accounts Payable can thrive in 2023

AP needs to be ready to meet the challeges that come with the changes in the global economic environment. Read the blog to learn how AP can thrive in 2023.

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CFO challenge focus: Market and industry volatility

CFOs are expected to both protect against the ravages of market volatility and invest for growth.

Optimizing your working capital management

What is working capital management? Click here to learn the answer, as well as ways to optimize your management strategy.

Customer experience is top of mind for Corcentric

Corcentric is so honored to be awarded the IDC 2022 SaaS CSAT Award for Accounts Payable (AP).

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