Corcentric blog

Thought leadership, opinion pieces, analyses, and research about the latest source-to-pay, order-to-cash, and fleet industry business challenges, and how we’re working to solve them.

How to get your invoices paid sooner: Three popular routes

The faster invoices are paid, the sooner cash comes into the business and can be applied to more strategic use.

Improving Your Spend Management Strategy

Effective spend management will leverage real-time analytics and insights to drive better decisions, create value, and cut costs.

Digitize to Optimize – Part 1: A three-part look at B2B payments digitization – financing agility

Think of digital transformation as the maturing of your B2B payments from manual to efficient, scalable, reliable, and on to agile.

Accounts Receivable Outsourcing: A CFO’s Secret Weapon

The demand for external collaboration is perhaps most dramatic when considering current financial priorities.

Automotive industry focus: Enabling growth and resilience

Vehicle manufacturers are adjusting to an electric future and becoming more digitally integrated with their customers.

How CFOs are navigating the financial challenges of 2022

Profitability and bottom line KPIs are all very well, but the role of the CFO is also to drive long-term growth for stakeholder returns.

The answer to economic uncertainty: Increased cash flow visibility

Digitally integrating AP and AR processes through cash flow forecasting solutions and automation will unlock the crucial data needed for insight-driven decision making.

5 points to address for real-time cash insights

Real-time cash insights enable businesses to refine and course-correct forecasted cash flow before problems occur.

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