Corcentric blog

Thought leadership, opinion pieces, analyses, and research about the latest source-to-pay, order-to-cash, and fleet industry business challenges, and how we’re working to solve them.

Size matters: Why large companies outpace in payments digitization

For big company CFOs, the digitization of B2B payments is about a commitment to a much broader digital transformation of business processes as a whole.

Global B2B e-invoicing mandates to know in 2023

Here is a snapshot of what mandatory B2B e-Invoicing looks like in European countries which have mandates in place.

Top Procurement Teams Choosing to Go Hybrid

Leverage the continuing knowledge accumulation of procurement professionals who are constantly working with a wide variety of companies across a broad range of industries.

The importance of procure-to-pay (P2P) for businesses

Purchase-to-pay automation solutions create greater efficiencies, reduce costs, and streamline your entire end-to-end process. See how the P2P process works and discover the 7 top benefits.

The State of ePayables – Chapter 2: Achieving AP Mastery

The second chapter of this report addresses the priorities, challenges, and opportunities that exist for AP teams and the AP process today and how to move forward.

8 steps to optimize your procurement processes

If your organization is still using legacy manual and paper-based processes, your ability to streamline, increase efficiency, and reduce costs will be unnecessarily hampered.

Mandatory B2G e-invoicing across Europe in 2022

Business-to-government (B2G) electronic invoicing comes in many different varieties, relying on different platforms to generate and receive invoices and even different methods of delivery.

The State of ePayables Chapter 1: The Rise (and Rise) of Accounts Payable

In this Chapter One review of The State of ePayables 2022: Mastering a Key Function at a Critical Time, we look at Ardent Partners? assessment of Accounts Payable through the lens of a SWOT analysis.

Industrial machinery manufacturing focus: Why wait for the revolution?

At Corcentric we enable businesses to bring their days sales outstanding (DSO) down dramatically and fix this at a lower number of days, permanently.

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