Corcentric blog

Thought leadership, opinion pieces, analyses, and research about the latest source-to-pay, order-to-cash, and fleet industry business challenges, and how we’re working to solve them.

Delayed Payments Hurting Your Supplier Relationships? Blame Manual Processes

A recent APQC Metric of the Month shows the damage that delayed payments can create between buyer and seller. Read more in our blog.

What are the Benefits of Folder Inserters?

If you're asking what are the benefits of folder inserters, you are likely to be at the stage of growing your mailroom, or trying to manage an increase in printing of invoices, letters or other business communications.

The sidekick for every credit collection superhero

Controlling fleet costs in the age of COVID is incredibly challenging. See the 4 ways telematics can help optimize fleet management.

Credit Control: It’s not sold until it’s paid for

It?s time to speak up on behalf of the unsung heroes found in any medium to large business. The mighty credit controllers, and their tireless accounts receivable teams.

Complacency is the Enemy of Successful Supplier Management

There are two important steps procurement must take to ensure that they are getting optimal performance from their suppliers. Check out our blog post.

Why Not Build an e-Invoicing Solution In-House?

Are you considering building an e-Invoicing solution in-house? Weighing up the requirements vs. the skills and resources you have within the business?

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