Corcentric blog

Thought leadership, opinion pieces, analyses, and research about the latest source-to-pay, order-to-cash, and fleet industry business challenges, and how we’re working to solve them.

A brilliance for resilience: CFOs prioritize digitization to maximize working capital

Our latest survey report with, Digitization Strategies, reveals the actions that CFOs take to improve cash management and financial operations.

How do the SEC climate risk disclosure rules impact your business?

The SEC proposed new rules that would require public companies to provide information regarding climate-related risks.

How CFOs are embracing technology to get ahead

CFOs are now expected to supplement their financial acumen with tech savvy, to deliver the financial performance and insight a successful business needs.

Why becoming a SmartWay Affiliate is a smart move for fleets

The agency has provided its more than 3,700 partners with strategies, ideas, and initiatives for emissions reduction.

Continuous Transaction Controls’ Role in Tax Compliance

Continuous transaction controls are seen by some tax authorities as a more accurate and timely way to gain insight into transactions that are liable for taxation.

The State of ePayables Chapter 3: How to become an AP (Best-In) Class act

The journey to Best-in-Class accounts payable starts with a single step: reviewing your own performance ? both current and historical.

Q&A with Forums International about credit management challenges today

Corcentric met with Jon Swan from Forums International to discuss the challenges credit managers face today.

How to become a high-performance Procurement organization

Procurement must move up the maturity curve to become a stronger business partner, both internally and externally.

Size matters: Why large companies outpace in payments digitization

For big company CFOs, the digitization of B2B payments is about a commitment to a much broader digital transformation of business processes as a whole.

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