Customer experience is top of mind for Corcentric


In today’s connected world, where every contact is just a click away, businesses have to abide by the “customer first” mantra in order to succeed. Every experience a customer has with you, whether it’s with an app, a product, a program, AI, or a living human being – that user experience has to have the customer’s satisfaction as its ultimate goal. And in a competitive global economy, meeting customer expectations simply isn’t good enough – it’s necessary to constantly exceed expectations. Without that, customers can turn away from you and turn to social media to air their dissatisfaction.

When it comes to an issue like accounts payable (AP) automation, the best technology solutions and the best tools are meaningless without ongoing dedication to customer support and full satisfaction. We’ve always known that at Corcentric and have built it into our core values, one of which is “being relentlessly focused on the customer.” That means being focused not just on where the customer is today, but where they want to be (and should be) tomorrow. Successful companies need to recognize that innovation is a huge part of satisfying a customer’s current and future needs. In other words, your customers are constantly evolving. To stay in the game, you need to do the same.

Winning a customer satisfaction award is really meaningful. That’s why we are so honored to be awarded the IDC 2022 SaaS CSAT Award for Accounts Payable (AP). The award is based on rankings from the organization’s 2022 IDC’s SaaSPath Survey, a “global survey of approximately 2,400 organizations across all geographic regions and company sizes, where customers are asked to rate their vendor on more than thirty different customer satisfaction metrics.”

There is a lot of competition in the AP automation sector; many providers offer similar benefits. The survey found that most respondents felt that their providers afforded a good customer experience and value; but when it came to solution integration, satisfaction dropped. But not for Corcentric. We’ve made implementation easy by designing a solution that is ERP-agnostic. Integrating an ERP system with other systems is often the key struggle companies have once they’ve committed to a solution. Ours integrates seamlessly with any ERP or accounting system.

Overall, the respondents ( senior management up to C-suite) indicated that Corcentric excelled in product innovation, superior features and functionality, data management capabilities, ease of implementation, and industry specialization. As Kevin Permenter, Research Director, Financial Applications, IDC stated, “In their responses, Corcentric’s clients expressed relatively high satisfaction along the majority of the 30 IDC customer satisfaction evaluation metrics. This result is reflective of Corcentric’s heavy investments toward meeting rapidly evolving customer expectations.”

Being there for your customer through implementation is one thing; being there long after and to solve any issues, constantly offer upgrades, and increase offerings is another. Our appreciation for this award and our goals are best expressed by Matt Clark, President and Chief Operating Officer at Corcentric, “It’s a tremendous honor to see Corcentric’s customers express the highest levels of satisfaction with our innovative accounts payable solution and for IDC to recognize our efforts.”

With our customers’ satisfaction always top of mind, Corcentric will continue to streamline and optimize all facets of the AP process so that companies can better manage cash flow and elevate working capital.

Read our recent press release for more information.