Corcentric blog

Thought leadership, opinion pieces, analyses, and research about the latest source-to-pay, order-to-cash, and fleet industry business challenges, and how we’re working to solve them.

Cash flow management and the need for optimized processes

Improve management over your cash flow with optimized processes and advanced solutions

How a Procure-to-Pay solution yields 360° ROI

See how a Procure-to-Pay (P2P) solution improves ROI at each stage of the procurement process. From approving purchasing contracts to managing catalogs, this transformation goes well beyond automation; it becomes the catalyst for a more efficient, resilient, and responsible business.

How payment terms optimization can unlock business success

The way a company manages its payments terms can significantly impact its financial health, customer and supplier relationships, and overall competitiveness.

Unleashing the power of efficient accounts payable workflows: A blueprint for maximizing cash flow

Organizations need to take a forward-looking approach by adopting digital solutions and embracing automation to transform AP workflows into a strategic asset

Drive true sustainable growth by fostering collaboration

CFOs can drive innovation for growth, reduce burnout, and improve overall business performance by fostering a culture of collaboration...

The diversity of B2B ePayments: There’s more than one way to pay

Ardent Partners identifies the ePayments options that CFOs and finance leaders can utilize to optimize their AP teams

Unleashing the power of artificial intelligence: Transforming the procurement process

Discover the 5 major ways artificial intelligence is transforming the Procurement landscape

How AI is transforming fleet management

Artificial intelligence offers truck fleets significant benefits...and challenges

Smart moves: Where AP and ePayables stand right now

In this first of three blogs, we will explore the current state of AP and ePayables, shedding light on the latest trends and advancements in this dynamic field.

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