Musings from the ELFA Equipment Management Conference

The Tucson, Arizona, event invited a multitude of discussions on the latest in equipment trends.…

The Future of Transportation Equipment Finance

Staying on top of evolutions in trucking will allow fleets to have an up-to-date total cost of…

35% of Firms Still Require CEO Approval to Pay an Invoice

Firms that process more than 20,000 invoices per month differ from other firms in a few ways.

COVID-19 Shows Companies Must Prioritise Optimising AR & AP

Research from Corcentric shows finance leaders lack clear real-time views of their cash flow.

CFOs Slow to Upgrade Cash Tracking Despite Pandemic: Forrester

Most companies are interested in enabling a real-time, complete view of their cash position, but…

Changing the Way We Operate

As we see a greater acceptance of BEVs in the passenger and light truck markets, we will naturally…

As Business Payments Go Digital, Buyer-Supplier Relationships Get Stronger

38% of CFO's surveyed state that improving balance sheets remains a key motivation for accelerating…

The Universal Advantages of Digitization

As PYMNTS research found, 91% of CFOs say digitizing their payments processes made their operations…

59% of CFOs are Focused on Payments Digitization

Chief financial officers perceive accounts receivable (AR) and accounts payable (AP) as the factor…

Musings on the New Year

Businesses that can adapt quickly and think outside of the typical “this is the way we have always…