Introducing Source-To-Pay: A Comprehensive Guide To Procurement Sourcing


What Is Procurement Sourcing

As organizations continue to modernize processes, they look towards solutions that streamline their operations and deliver unbeatable results. Source-to-Pay sourcing is one such advancement that offers enterprises the chance to maximize profitability and reduced purchasing costs. This comprehensive guide offers an overview of Source-to-Pay (S2P) and its benefits including how to put the solution into practice for improved procurement sourcing.

What is Source-to-Pay Sourcing?

Source-to-Pay (S2P) is procurement software that streamlines the process from start to finish. It automates the activities associated with procurement, from sourcing, to budgeting, supplier qualification, supplier communication, tracking, and finally payment. By having centralized system for this process, it allows users to take full control of their procurement processes, increase visibility, reduce purchasing expenses, and have better control over decision making.

The Benefits of Source-to-Pay Sourcing

The main benefit of S2P sourcing is its ability to drastically improve efficiency and accuracy. By gathering all information in one place, teams can access the entire history of specific project, supplier, and purchase order in an efficient manner. Furthermore, S2P helps organizations mitigate risks associated with spending money as all steps in the process are tracked. Finally, the sophisticated software empowers teams to make better decisions and negotiate prices that are favorable to the company.

Putting Source-to-Pay into Practice

Putting S2P into practice can appear daunting but can offer huge rewards if done correctly. To take full advantage of its benefits, organizations should first determine exactly what is required from the process including report formats, the required budget, and purchase needs.

Once the decisions regarding the software have been made, organizations should prepare for execution. This includes freeing up resources, such as staff and technology, to help put the system into practice. Having an in-house user and IT team is recommended to ensure the successful implementation of the software.

Once the software is ready to use, the next step is to configure the sources of supply. Organizations should have an approved list of suppliers who meet the companies criteria, such as price, quality, performance, and legal requirements. This list can be set up in the software, ready for purchase orders. Additionally, the software can be used track orders and purchase trends, such as past performance levels, spending habits, and bottom line savings.

The Finer Details of Source-to-Pay

To ensure that new S2P systems are fully functioning and producing the desired results, organizations must also configure the various features and settings, including e-invoicing and analytics. Additionally, they must establish maintenance plan and ensure that the software continues to evolve and adapt to the changing business needs.

Finally, progress must be monitored to ensure that the metrics are achieving the projected results. Audits and reviews should be performed on regular basis and possible improvements should be applied.


Thanks to the advancements provided by Source-to-Pay Sourcing, organizations now have access to unparalleled capabilities that can revolutionize their procurement operations. Although the process appears lengthy, the hard work can lead to improved decision making, robust control over purchases, and cost savings proving that S2P is worth the investment.