Maximizing Roi For Source-To-Pay Software: Risks Of Not Utilizing Software

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The diversification of the global market has revolutionized how business purchase from vendors, and subsequently procure goods, paving the way for the digital age of source-to-pay software. Organizations that do not utilize source-to-pay software can experience inefficiencies stemming from lack of control, legacy systems, and complex global transactions. Without proper resource allocation, companies can face non-compliance, process redundancy and decrease in return on investment.
Inability to Control DataThe most significant risk of not using software for source-to-pay is the lack of comprehensive control of the data collected and exchanged between global suppliers. Poorly-managed data due to human errors can lead to inaccurate records, contract re-negotiations, and impaired supplier relations. In situations where operations are conducted globally, ineffective management can create serious issues with foreign suppliers, leading to re-papering contracts and negotiations of different terms and conditions. With manual data management, it is almost impossible to adhere to the same standards across all suppliers and ensure accurate information is present for all stakeholders.
Legacy SystemsLegacy systems are antiquated technology used in data sharing programs. Generally, the lack of proper integration of legacy systems together can cause bottleneck in operations. The challenge only increases when the system operates globally, as lack of centralization leads to scattered data collection and subpar performance. Legacy systems are often unable to provide the timeliness required of successful source-to-pay, thus creating hindrance to the processes and creating challenges for administrators.
Complex Global TransactionsOrganizations that indulge in global transactions, such as cross-border payments, foreign currency exchange, and customs compliance must also purchase costly third-party systems to keep up with the various regulations on an international level. Such organizations must work with several tax and compliance organizations in each local jurisdiction, which can significantly increase administrative duties. The complexity of the duty borders only increases when pertinent updates to regulations occur.
By investing in software for source-to-pay, organizations can ensure the accuracy of data, improve operational efficiency, and maximize return on investment. By utilizing automated processes, organizations can ensure the same standards are communicated across all suppliers, ensure data accuracy and prevent lost time from manual operations. Software can also provide predictive analytics and benchmarking capabilities, making it easier to track and analyze data. Finally, with automated workflow and visibility, source-to-pay software can reduce administrative duties, and generate intelligent, real-time reports.
For any organizations considering their source-to-pay operations, there are undoubtedly plethora of risks associated with not having the right software in place. Sourcing inefficiencies and manual processes can lead to significantly decreased ROI, and can even create complexities of which an organization may not be aware until it is too late. By utilizing an automated solution, company can mitigate any risks associated with source-to-pay and drive greater efficiency and cost savings.