Media Coverage

Changing the Way We Operate

As we see a greater acceptance of BEVs in the passenger and light truck markets, we will naturally…

As Business Payments Go Digital, Buyer-Supplier Relationships Get Stronger

38% of CFO's surveyed state that improving balance sheets remains a key motivation for accelerating…

The Universal Advantages of Digitization

As PYMNTS research found, 91% of CFOs say digitizing their payments processes made their operations…

59% of CFOs are Focused on Payments Digitization

Chief financial officers perceive accounts receivable (AR) and accounts payable (AP) as the factor…

Musings on the New Year

Businesses that can adapt quickly and think outside of the typical “this is the way we have always…

Priority Technology Holdings: 2021 was the Year of Impact

Payment operations and automation, particularly around managing money movement, went from…

Despite Initial Cost, Purchase Decision is Always About TCO

With the continued material shortage, it's important for fleets to plan for cost increases across…

Some Insight into What Motivates Drivers

Understanding what motivates different types of drivers can help carriers tailor their messages to…

38% of CFOs Accelerated Payments Digitization to Improve Balance Sheets

Payments digitization is playing a key role in chief financial officers’ broader strategies for…