Optimizing Your Finance Department Through The Use Of A Source-To-Pay Solution


The procurement process is an intricate web of activities with the singular goal of procuring the goods and services your organization needs efficiently and effectively. However, managing this process can be challenging and prone to errors and delays if your finance department has not adopted source-to-pay (S2P) solution. thorough understanding of what S2P solution can provide and how to evaluate, implement and utilize its features to optimize your organizations procurement process is key to unleashing its full potential.

What Is Source-to-Pay Solution?

A source-to-pay solution is comprehensive suite of software and services aiding in the purchasing and accounts payable (AP) activities in an organization. The purpose of S2P solution is to standardize the data entry and automation of the purchasing and AP process for improved efficiency and accuracy. This comes in the form of automation, vendor management tools, spend visibility tools, spend analytics tools and procurement savings tracking tools.

Importance of Source-to-Pay Solution

For any organization, modernizing and optimizing the procurement process is essential to its success. S2P solution assists finance professionals in achieving this goal. Not only does it automate the data entry and streamline the procurement process, but it also helps improve visbility to the workforce, encourage better spending manipulation and allow for more robust analysis of the data. By implementing S2P solution, organizations can better understand their transactional data and the drivers of their procurement process.

How to Use Procurement Savings Tracking Tool

Step 1: Link Accounts: Link existing accounts and ledger data to the provided S2P solution.

Step 2: Track Purchase Order Data: Transfer purchase order information data for every transaction directly to your ledger system.

Step 3: Generate Reports: Generate automated reports that showcase the purchasing trends, budget spend and discounts earned from each purchased item. This will allow your team to better understand the recurring purchase patterns.

Step 4: Analyze Results: Utilize the data from the reports to track trends, identify savings opportunities and discuss with vendors to determine potential cost reductions.

Step 5: Establish Baseline Measurements: Use the reports and data to establish baseline performance and transactions for all employees in the procurement process and analyze results against them.

Step 6: Track Actual and Projected Savings: Track both actual and projected savings earned from utilizing the S2P solution.

Step 7: Suggest Areas of Improvement: Utilize the actual savings values to determine areas in which the procurement process can be further optimized.

Step 8: Increase Data Visibility: Continuously adjust report settings and data fields to increase visibility and accuracy of the data. This can help increase the reliability and scalability of the S2P solution over time.

Step 9: Monitor Purchasing and Accounts Payable: Utilize the S2P solution as monitoring tool to ensure accuracy and validity in all entries of the procurement process.


The implementation of S2P solution is crucial to optimizing procurement in any organization. By evaluating vendor management tools, spend visibility tools, spend analytics tools and procurement savings tracking tools, finance teams can more readily determine where value can be gained and cost savings can be earned. Additionally, using the data from the reports generated from the S2P solution to track trends, identify savings opportunities and establish baseline performance measurements can help improve Budget and Spend performance. By optimizing their procurement process, organizations can improve their overall efficiency and acquire the necessary goods and services they need.