Optimizing Your Order To Cash Cycle With An Order To Cash Solution



Managing the order to cash cycle is integral for any successful business, and with an order to cash solution your organization can not only improve operational effectiveness but streamline processes and increase customer satisfaction. Making sure that the order to cash process mapping tool offers all the features needed to administer your orders and facilitate the payment process is essential for maximum efficiency.

To ensure that you get the most out of your order to cash software, here is step-by-step guide on how to navigate the features and handle orders from start to finish.

Step 1: Configure the system. When beginning with your order to cash solution, it is important to configure the system to meet the needs of your organization. This includes setting up customers, libraries of products, pricing, shipping and payment information, and sales reps into the system.

Step 2: Create orders. Once the system is set up, end customers can start to create orders through various methods, including web, email, phone, spreadsheet, and more. This is automatically stored into the system and recorded as open orders.

Step 3: Process orders. The next step is to process the orders through the order management system. This task should be done by sales reps as they are responsible for entering customers? orders into the system.

Step 4: Invoice customers. Once the orders have been processed in the system, invoices will be automatically created and sent to customers. These invoices can be viewed and tracked within the order to cash solution.

Step 5: Collect payments. With modern order to cash software, you can also manage payment processing directly from the system. This allows for integrated payment methods such as credit cards, direct debit, and more.

Step 6: Follow-up on overdue payments. Once payments have been collected and invoiced, any late payments can be tracked and followed up on via the order to cash software. This allows you to ensure that all customer payments are up to date.


Understanding how to use an order to cash solution and following these steps can help finance departments streamline their order to cash cycle and maximize efficiency. With an efficient order to cash mapping tool, your business can reap the benefits and put your finances in the green.