Order To Cash Solution: A Disputed Invoice Software User Guide

Users can easily log in to the dispute management software using the provided username and password. Once logged in, users will be able to access their dispute dashboard, which contains all the necessary details relating to any open dispute, such as the dispute name, the invoice number, and the party who initiated the dispute.
Step 2: Set up Dispute NotificationsOnce users are logged in, they will be able to set up dispute notifications, which allow them to receive updates about any new disputes or changes related to existing disputes. This feature can be useful in ensuring that users are kept abreast of the progress of their disputes and any additional actions they may need to take.
Step 3: View DisputesThe disputes dashboard provides an overview of all open disputes. Users can easily view list of all disputes and can click on each dispute to view more detailled information. Once dispute is selected, users can access the details of the dispute, such as the amount, the invoice number and the related customer.
Step 4: Review DisputesUsers can review each open dispute and can select an appropriate action from the available options. These options range from ?Accept Request? and ?Review Request? to ?Reject Request?. Selecting an option will provide users with further details regarding the dispute, including any additional information that may be needed.
Step 5: Submit and Save DisputesOnce users have finished reviewing the dispute, they can select the ?Submit and Save? button to save their changes and submit the dispute for review. This will ensure that the dispute is processed efficiently and that no additional steps are required.
Step 6: Manage DisputesThe dispute management software also allows users to manage their disputes. This includes the ability to view the status of disputes, view any additional documents that may be related to the dispute, and to update dispute details if necessary.
The dispute management software within an O2C system simplifies the process of managing and resolving disputes. This guide offers step-by-step approach to leveraging the dispute management software’s features and functionalities, enabling C-suite executives to easily track, review and resolve invoicing disputes. With an efficient and organized order-to-cash system in place, businesses can boost their finance operations and remain competitive in the marketplace.