Playbook For Auto-Cash APplication Workflows In Order To Cash Software



For businesses in the finance sector, striving to automate processes within their order to cash software solution can be daunting task. However, it doesn’t have to be automating cash application workflows with order to cash systems can be simple and hassle-free, and doesn’t require complicated procedures or excessive financial investments. This guide sets out to provide an overview of the process and tips for achieving successful automation of cash application workflows in order to cash software.

With the increasing globalization of business, efficient management of end-to-end cash processes between customers and suppliers can be key to the continued success of organizations operating in the finance industry. Automation of cash application workflows in order to cash software helps companies streamline and improve the reliability of their transactions, as well as reduce their overall operating costs.

The Need for Automating Cash Application Workflows

Organizations of all sizes need to streamline and intuitively manage their invoices and payments, in order to stay competitive in the global marketplace. One of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to do this is through automation of cash application workflows within order to cash software. An automated order to cash process can significantly improve the speed and accuracy of invoice payments, while saving valuable time that can be allocated to other tasks.

How to Automate Cash Application Workflows

To successfully automate cash application workflows in order to cash software, there are several stages that must be taken into account.

Step 1: Set up the System

The first step in automating cash application workflows is the setup of the system. This involves the setup of an automated invoicing system which allows customers to make payments directly to your organizations order to cash accounts (e.g. bank accounts, credit cards, etc.). Once the automated invoicing system is in place, it is important to ensure all customer information is correctly stored, including payment details and customer contact information.

Step 2: Match Invoices and Payments

The second step is the matching of invoices and payments. This can be done by leveraging the automated invoicing system to match invoices to payments on the customer side by number and/or date. It is important to note that while matching invoices manually can be done, this requires more time and resources it is much more efficient to match invoices automatically.

Step 3: Apply Payments

The third step is the application of payments. Once payment has been successfully matched to an invoice, it must then be applied. This is done by leveraging the order to cash software and its automated payment system, as well as its built-in payment rules which dictate how payments should be applied.

Step 4: Manage Refunds

The fourth step is the management of refunds. The order to cash software should be configured to automatically process refunds should any payment fail to match the invoice, or if the customer requests refund. This helps to ensure any payment discrepancies are dealt with promptly and efficiently, and prevents any unnecessary delays to the customer?s order.

Step 5: Monitor Performance

The final step is the monitoring of performance. In order to ensure continued success of the cash application process, it is important to regularly monitor the performance of the system. This can be done by leveraging the order to cash software?s performance reports, which provides key metrics such as payment status, invoice volumes, and payment turnaround times.


The process of automating cash application workflows in order to cash software is straightforward one, and the benefits are clear. By following the steps laid out in this guide, organizations in the finance sector can successfully automate their cash application processes, increasing the speed and accuracy of invoice payments and reducing their overall operating costs.