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The State of ePayables 2022: The State of Accounts Payable

A look at the current state of the accounts payable industry during the ongoing pandemic.

The State of ePayables 2022: The State of ePayables

A look at how AP teams are utilizing technology and data to drive their departments forward.

The State of ePayables 2022: Best-in-Class Accounts Payable

A look at which operational and performance metrics define Best-in-Class performance levels for Accounts Payable programs today.

The State of ePayables 2022: Strategies for Success

A look at recommended approaches for finance and accounts payable leaders who want to improve their operations and see results.

Leading global life science brand centralizes billling across 16 regions

Centralization and Standardization of Billing Across 16 Regions

IOFM: Managed Services – A Catalyst for Transformation in Finance

Taking a holistic and outcome-focused approach to automation.

Be in the Know about Managed Services

Claire Sexton, VP, North American Sales, explains what Managed Services is and how it helps organizations optimize their S2P tech to achieve their desired ROI.

5 Steps for Procurement Success in Times of Uncertainty

Learn how to a build a strong and resilient Procurement function that can overcome disruptions.

Working Capital Management: Optimization and Alignment

Learn the right way to bring a working capital program to your organization that increases efficiency and supports organizational goals.

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