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Benefit from our vast library of thought leadership and best practice videos, white papers, analyst research, practical guides and more to help optimize your business processes and stay ahead of the competition.

Introduction to the Corcentric Supplier Risk and Performance Management (SRPM)

Supplier Risk + Performance Management on the Corcentric Platform enables you to score and evaluate suppliers using tailored scorecards and metrics.

Digital Payments: The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!

Learn about the origins of e-payments, how it has progressed to payments digitization, and why companies are making the change.

Are Your Invoices Getting Through?

It seems like a simple question, but the answer may come too late: When payment is due (or past due) and cash flow is already delayed.

Corcentric Payments Service-as-a-Service

Best-in-class technology and ongoing support that starts and ends with the supplier.

How Safe Are Your Invoices?

Are you doing everything you can to protect your business and customers from becoming part of this statistic?

ISG Provider Lens Report ─ Procurement and Transformation Services 2022

The ISG's Provider Lens™ Procurement BPO and Transformation Services 2022 report highlights some of Corcentric’s strengths.

Corcentric vs. Banks in Electronic Conversion

A numerical look at how Corcentric outperforms banks when it comes to making the switch to electronic payments.

Holistic Cash Forecasting 101: Part 1

Learn the basics of holistic cash forecasting and the transformative effect it can have on your business.

Holistic Cash Forecasting 101: Part 2

In part two, Fritz Smith, Corcentric's CRO discusses specific findings of a recent survey involving finance leaders and views of holistic cash forecasting.

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