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Benefit from our vast library of thought leadership and best practice videos, white papers, analyst research, practical guides and more to help optimize your business processes and stay ahead of the competition.

How to achieve ─ permanent DSO of 15 days

Know exactly what your cash flow will be each month, without the need to resort to external investment or finance.

How to achieve your Cash Flow KPIs in 2022, with certainty

See how Corcentric enabled Daimler to drive down DSO from 37 days to 15 days.

Mitigating payment fraud: A step-by-step plan

How to stop payment fraud in its tracks and protect your bottom line.

Business Payments Digitization: Path To Better Balance Sheet

Learn how investing in payments digitization can improve working capital, streamline AR and AP processes, and improve customer and partner satisfaction.

Successful Procurement Transformation Starts with ERP Integration

Learn how to optimize Procurement effectiveness by leveraging your ERP tailored to your business model.

Supporting SQLI Group’s growth strategy

Implemented in just 4 months, the Corcentric Platform brings many benefits to the SQLI Group.

Bridging the Gap between Procurement, AP, and Treasury

These three functions working together are the key to achieving organizational goals.

Migrating 7,000 customers seamlessly during company spin-off

Migrating 7,000 Customers Seamlessly During Company Spin-Off

Peak Cashflow saves time and money by going digital

After moving to electronic format statements, Peak Cashflow has seen a 10% saving after just 16 weeks, with is expected to increase as more recipients go digital.

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