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Benefit from our vast library of thought leadership and best practice videos, white papers, analyst research, practical guides and more to help optimize your business processes and stay ahead of the competition.

Converting Your Customers to e-Invoicing

This guide sets out the steps we take and how we make the switch to e-invoicing a compelling proposition for the vast majority of users.

8 Ways Procurement Can Lead Business Resilience

Procurement must lead business resilience efforts by fostering agility, proactivity, and influence - and leverging technology

Simplifying e-Invoicing and Electronic Document Distribution

How Corcentric EIPP can help businesses quickly and easily deploy, manage and maintain class-leading e-invoicing and electronic document distribution. Taking the leap has never been easier.

5 Steps for Procurement Success in ─ Post-Covid World

Procurement must rethink the way it hires, collaborates, and engages with the organization.

Taking Procurement to the Next Level with Spend Analysis ─ Category Management Best Practices

How next-gen spend analysis and category management solutions can help you optimize spend, improve compliance and create greater value for the business.

Movianto: Electronic invoicing beyond the limits of SAP

This case study outlines the success Movianto have had using Corcentric EIPP to send go beyond the limitations of SAP for invoicing.

Sign Here: The Value of Digital Signatures

We explore what digital signatures are, the benefits they offer and how to implement them in your document processes.

Create the Perfect e-Invoicing Solution

This eBook should help you successfully present an e-invoicing solution to the rest of the business and make its deployment a success.

Integrating e-Invoicing via EDI and XML into Existing Infrastructure

In this paper, we look at the process and considerations for deploying e-invoicing via EDI and XML within a business.

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