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Bringing Procurement and Logistics Together

Collaboration between Procurement and Logistics is complicated, but increasingly critical. Here's how to make it work.

The Hidden Opportunity in Your Indirect Spend

Check out our webinar and learn how to take a thorough look at the waste that exists in procurement processes & how you can get it under control.

How CFOs Keep Companies Nimble by Aligning Procurement and Spend

This on-demand webinar with discusses how finance leaders can break down silos and achieve alignment between procurement and spend.

IOFM: P2P Digitalization: Business Continuity Through Workforce Mobility

Digitalization is critical for continued operations during disruption. Learn how digitalizing P2P empowers a remote workforce to ensure business continuity.

How Invoicing Customers Electronically Can Ease Your COVID-19 Cash Crunch

Invoicing customers electronically is one way to accomplish financial stability and consistent cash flow – and reduce operational overhead in the process.

The Hackett Group: Four Dimensions for Measuring Digital Progress in Purchase-to-Pay

Findings from a recent performance study on how well companies are transforming their P2P processes.

Ardent Partners: Report Procurement Metrics that Matter in 2020

A compilation of the industry’s best and most widely-used procurement industry benchmarks by Ardent Partners.

Improving Cash Flow and Service through e-Invoicing: Part 1

Learn how EIPP helps companies avoid delays and late payments in invoicing while also improving customer experience.

Remote Business Continuity

Successfully achieving business continuity with a remote workforce requires equal measures of EIPP strategy, tools, services and experience. Download this on-demand webinar to find out how.

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