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Benefit from our vast library of thought leadership and best practice videos, white papers, analyst research, practical guides and more to help optimize your business processes and stay ahead of the competition.

Automating the 3-Way Match to Ensure Payment Accuracy

Accounts payable needs an accurate 3-way match. See how invoice automation helps.

7 common myths about digitizing payments

This infographic breaks down and debunks common misconceptions that companies have about making the switch to digital payments.

Business Payments Digitization: Large Companies Set the Pace

Discover how large firms feel about payments digitization and why their perspective leads to business transformation.

A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Fleet Spend

How to do a spend analysis on a fleet and the benefits of this financing strategy.

Procurement Transformation Part 1: Aligning Your Organization for Change

A discussion about getting finance and procurement on the same page when it comes to executing a procurement transformation.

Procurement Transformation Part 2: Assessing the Situation

A discussion about the evaluation phase of procurement transformation – how to establish a baseline and set measurable goals.

Procurement Transformation Part 3: Developing ─ Roadmap

A discussion of the steps involved in mapping out a procurement transformation and how to approach getting executive approval.

Procurement Transformation Part 4: Executing Your Strategy

Important insights on the implementation phase of a procurement transforming, including setbacks you might run into and how best to resolve them.

Procurement Transformation Part 5: Measuring Success

A breakdown of the data and feedback that need to be gathered in order to derive actionable insights on how a procurement transformation is performing.

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