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Benefit from our vast library of thought leadership and best practice videos, white papers, analyst research, practical guides and more to help optimize your business processes and stay ahead of the competition.

Corcentric vs. Banks in Electronic Conversion

A numerical look at how Corcentric outperforms banks when it comes to making the switch to electronic payments.

Holistic Cash Forecasting 101: Part 1

Learn the basics of holistic cash forecasting and the transformative effect it can have on your business.

Holistic Cash Forecasting 101: Part 2

In part two, Fritz Smith, Corcentric's CRO discusses specific findings of a recent survey involving finance leaders and views of holistic cash forecasting.

Saint Laurent frees up time and gains control of Procurement processes

Saint Laurent has succeeded in defining and implementing an end-to-end procurement process for expense commitments.

ISG Provider Lens Report ─ Procurement Software Platforms and Solutions 2022

The ISG's Provider Lens™ Procurement Software Platforms and Solutions 2022 report highlights some of Corcentric’s strengths.

Demanding Digitization: Why CFOs Are Driving Digitization in Organizations

Understand why CFOs are accelerating their payments digitization efforts and the benefits they are seeing.

Business Payments Digitization: How Financial and Healthcare CFOs Build Healthier Balance Sheets

What do CFOs from finance and healthcare companies know about payments digitization that you don’t?

The Benefits of Holistic Cash Forecasting

The many benefits of cash flow optimization and how an organization can take advantage of them.

Overcoming the Holistic Cash Flow Challenge

Common challenges that finance leaders are facing in the race to optimize cash flow and the secret to overcoming them.

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