Turn suppliers into strategic partners with Corcentric Supplier Management

The Corcentric Supplier Management platform provides end-to-end workflow modularity that helps you establish and maintain stronger supplier relationships, ensure compliance and mitigate risk with deeper, more advanced functionality — out-of-the-box or configured to your needs. Advanced supplier relationship management capabilities push third-party relationships beyond just pricing and cost savings, turning them into major assets that generate competitive advantage. With the help of this supplier management software, you can enjoy improved success, streamlined operations and continuity throughout your supply chain and manufacturing processes.





Relationship Building

Does your organization struggle to build supplier relationships beyond the transactional?

Risk Intolerance

Where are suppliers bringing unnecessary risks and costs into your supply chain?

Mutual Success

How do you know if the suppliers you have are the ones you should have?

Supplier Information Management

Current, validated, and authenticated—complete supplier visibility

  • Supplier onboarding/offboarding management
  • Supplier repository
  • Supplier profile management
  • Supplier visibility in real time
  • Supplier certification management (internal + external)
  • Supplier portal
  • Supplier collaboration

Look at the Entire Supplier Lifecycle

You need to optimize and streamline every stage of the relationship, from initial registration that includes verified data and certifications, to information management that provides actionable insights based on how suppliers are meeting contracted procurement goals, and performance management that gives you the tools to drive better sourcing and business outcomes, and realized savings. Our vendor management software provides a proactive process for shared success.

Supplier Risk + Performance Management

How to ensure the suppliers you have are the suppliers you want to keep

  • Compliance management
  • Due diligence
  • Supplier scorecards
  • Survey campaigns
  • Risk assessment

Supplier Management = Visibility + Control

Our supplier portal software takes you far beyond an ERP to provide a portfolio of capabilities that enable you to proactively start building on supplier strengths, even before they are fully onboarded. From validation and certification to score carding, contract management compliance and beyond, this supplier management system will give you the insights needed to create stronger, more agile, and collaborative supplier-centric relationships to maximize value, align goals, and drive KPIs.

Prepare, Succeed, Repeat:

How CFOs Drive Innovation

Top 3 goals achieved by pursuing supplier management improvements


standardized supplier management practices.


improved overall quality
of supplier data.


developed and enhanced metrics with
supplier risk management tools.


Corcentric’s Supplier Lifecycle Management solution gives you a holistic view across suppliers by connecting all related documents, linked transactions and contracts in one place

Standardize Management processes

Improve the qualityof supplier data

Improve visibility into supplier and vendor performance against contracts

Achieve bettersupplier compliance

Reduce supply and supplier risk via risk management tools

Improve visibility into contractual agreements and obligations

Better control enterprise spend and raise value across the organization

Develop stronger, more innovative supplier relationships

Drive Supplier Efficiency, Compliance, and Innovation

Turn your suppliers into valuable competitive assets

Product Tour


Related Supplier Management Resources.


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Learn why you should enlist the help of professional services firms to close the talent gap.


Corcentric StopFraud™ Validation

Security is our highest priority. Our state-of-the-art validation system protects both our customers and their suppliers from potential fraud.


Introduction to the Corcentric Supplier Information Management

Supplier Information Management on the Corcentric Platform keeps all supplier data visible, accessible, and easily updatable.