Drive procurement success with our Digital Procurement Transformation service

Corcentric takes an end-to-end approach to digital procurement transformation to ensure your team is prepared to optimize your entire supply chain. You can’t introduce digitization to broken processes and expect them to improve. In addition to introducing new technology, we’ll support you in building a team capable of effective decision making and consistent leadership to ensure your digital transformation is a success.



Benefits of digital procurement transformation

Improved visibility & control

Low visibility means high risks. Gain new insights into your supply chain to make more consistent, risk-averse decisions enabled by your digital transformation.

Reduced tactical workload

Without digital solutions for procurement, the function is forced to deal with tedious, repetitive tasks. Digital procurement transformation means less tedium and more time to focus on high-impact initiatives.

Greater Efficiency

Carried out effectively, a digital procurement transformation optimizes processes at each stage of your supply chain to eliminate inefficiencies and maximize results.

Needs identification & road mapping

100% visibility into the payment cycle enables you to generate more accurate analytics reports for forecasting and optimizing payment cycles.

  • Where does Procurement stand?
  • What does it need to deliver on its goals?
  • Corcentric’s procurement transformation team will help you determine your path to success


Your Procurement department is hoping to answer these questions:

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of our current software?
  • How do stakeholders throughout the organization perceive Procurement?
  • Are we approaching people and processes the right way?
  • Is the organization prepared to implement a new procurement system?


The Corcentric process is collaborative and comprehensive:

  • First, our digital procurement transformation team will consult with the function’s leaders to determine the organization’s vision and goals
  • Next, we’ll conduct interviews with key stakeholders to learn how they approach Procurement and its current solutions
  • Then, we’ll observe your procurement solution in action. This will help determine where it’s coming up short and where your people and processes could be realigned in the future
  • Finally, we’ll leverage our knowledge of the technology landscape and provide recommendations to begin building out a roadmap to the digitization of your procurement process.


Together we’ll design an entire digital transformation roadmap tailored to your unique needs:

  • Implementation phases that accommodate Procurement’s capabilities
  • Training materials to ensure Procurement acts in an informed, strategic manner
  • Clearer roles and responsibilities across the organization
  • Milestones to track progress and performance against departmental goals

Implementation support & execution

Corcentric provides hands-on implementation support to ensure a successful digitization of your procurement function so your investment pays for itself

Generate a quick ROI

Whether you’re looking for a full technology suite or an individual module, Corcentric will ensure you implement the tool effectively and leverage it fully.

  • Ensure your technology selections are aligned with Procurement’s needs, capabilities, and goals
  • Establish realistic business objectives as well as metrics and KPIs for tracking performance
  • Manage implementation effectively with clear processes, roles and responsibilities, and consistent communication

Change management & adoption

How will your business adjust to new technology? You don’t have to answer that question alone. We’ll support the entire organization in adapting to a new digital reality.

Change management + adoption

How will your business adjust to new technology? You don’t have to answer that question alone. We’ll support the entire organization in adapting to a new digital reality.

Adapt to new procurement technology

Technology, even robust technology suites, won’t drive Procurement forward on their own. Make the complicated transition and evolution process simple with help from Corcentric’s digital procurement transformation team.

  • Redesign Procurement’s processes and procedures to accommodate new solutions
  • Re-align the organization’s structure and establish new roles
  • Enable success across the business with the right metrics
  • Develop process guides and training tools to ensure quick adoption and optimal results

Transformation alignment & support

Is your business ready to keep evolving? Do it with help from Corcentric. Our digital transformation alignment and support services ensure you keep transforming well into the future.

Transform your culture

Carrying out a digital procurement transformation means transforming your entire organization. Do it right the first time with support from Corcentric. Our team can support you by:

  • Developing roadmaps for optimizing policies, processes, and procedures
  • Aligning technology with the organization’s current state and future goals
  • Advocating for Procurement throughout the organization to help earn the necessary buy-in success across the business with the right metrics
  • Establishing metrics and reporting structures to ensure Procurement’s value is recognized

Plan for P2P transformation in the year to come

Requirements gathering & solution selection

What does Procurement really need from technology?
We’ll collaborate to establish requirements, assess your options, and help you make informed selections

Deliver on Procurement’s goals

Corcentric’s digital procurement transformation team will work alongside end-users to conduct a maturity assessment and determine answers to the following questions:

  • What challenges will a new solution help address?
  • How will a new solution make it easier to deliver on departmental objectives?
  • Which processes does your organization need to improve, and how will the new solution help?
  • Is your team equipped to implement and leverage a new solution?
  • How can Procurement best align its new solution to enhance the business?
  • What level of implementation support will Procurement require?

Ready to execute your digital procurement transformation?

Let us show you how much more effective, efficient, and influential
your procurement can be

Contact Us


Related procurement resources


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ISG Report: Procurement BPO and Transformation Services 2022

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