The Risk Of Not Using Software For Card Credit Fleet Operations

An increasing number of companies are implementing enterprise-level fleet solutions software to manage their operations. This is due to the divergent demands of continuously evolving transportation and logistics marketplace, as well as of budgetary and safety concerns for fleet management. When organizations opt to forgo fleet software, however, they expose themselves to variety of risks that can have costly consequences.
In terms of monetary concerns, not using fleet solutions software can cause businesses to miss out on considerable cost-savings. The technology efficiently helps to implement vehicle routing algorithms, thereby optimizing routes to maximize fuel economy and efficiency. Card credit fleet operations managers also have the ability to monitor relevant expenses in granular detail, with real-time information available on driver and vehicle performance. Without automated tracking of service and fuel costs, even the savings of few dollars per gallon can add up.
Additionally, lack of monitoring of card credit fleets may lead to increased liabilities. With manual fuel tracking, companies can miss out on relevant insurance claim data, and consequently reduce the amount of protection for their fleets. Safety is also major risk factor with manual data collection. Unavailable real-time performance data renders companies unable to plan for their drivers’ rest stops, creating potential for operator fatigue that increases the chances of an accident or incident. Notifications of any warning lights that may appear while driving also go unnoticed.
To ensure optimal performance, it is important for C-Suite executives to understand that implementing fleet software offers wide range of benefits, including cost-effectiveness, increased safety, improved customer service, and better maintenance and control of resources. When selecting fleet software provider, businesses should consider their needs, the complexity of operations, and customer service and support so they can make cost-effective decision that offers their fleet the necessary level of security and stability.