White Papers

AR Solutions Boost Cash Flow and ROI

Learn how optimized AR management can boost cash flow, cut DSO by 34%, reduce bad debts, and lower…

The Ultimate Guide to Accounts Receivable Management

Take control of your cash flow with the Ultimate Guide to Accounts Receivable Management.

Shortening the Cash Conversion Cycle Through Managed Services

Whether you are a buyer or a supplier, reducing your cash conversion cycle will give you access to…

Beyond automation: the case for accounts receivable managed services

Discover how a managed services provider can help reduce DSO, enhance customer experience, increase…

The CFO's Guide to Mandatory e-Invoicing and VAT Compliance in Europe

Learn how to a build a strong and resilient Procurement function that can overcome disruptions.

5 Steps for Procurement Success in Times of Uncertainty

Learn how to a build a strong and resilient Procurement function that can overcome disruptions.

How managed accounts receivable unlocks working capital

Learn How to unlock working capital from your accounts receivable ledger to fund capital…

Are Your Invoices Getting Through?

It seems like a simple question, but the answer may come too late: When payment is due (or past…

How Safe Are Your Invoices?

Are you doing everything you can to protect your business and customers from becoming part of this…