White Papers

The Business Case for the Enhanced User Experience (UX) of E-invoicing

Guide to enhancing your company’s user experience, increasing ROI and maintaining a satisfied…

Putting the customer first: Mixed media and mixed format invoicing

This case study outlines a typical business scenario, demanding both invoice format and media type…

Converting Your Customers to e-Invoicing

This guide sets out the steps we take and how we make the switch to e-invoicing a compelling…

8 Ways Procurement Can Lead Business Resilience

Procurement must lead business resilience efforts by fostering agility, proactivity, and influence…

Simplifying e-Invoicing and Electronic Document Distribution

How Corcentric EIPP can help businesses quickly and easily deploy, manage and maintain…

5 Steps for Procurement Success in ─ Post-Covid World

Procurement must rethink the way it hires, collaborates, and engages with the organization.

Sign Here: The Value of Digital Signatures

We explore what digital signatures are, the benefits they offer and how to implement them in your…

Create the Perfect e-Invoicing Solution

This eBook should help you successfully present an e-invoicing solution to the rest of the business…

Integrating e-Invoicing via EDI and XML into Existing Infrastructure

In this paper, we look at the process and considerations for deploying e-invoicing via EDI and XML…